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Meet the mentors: Pierre

Hi I’m Pierre and I have been a Mentor at RISE UP for nearly 3 years now. I am a Senior Recruitment consultant at Talent. I have been working for Talent for nearly 5 years. As my name would suggest, I am a French national who relocated to the UK when I was a teenager. Not knowing English at the time, the first 6 months were tough: New culture, new language and new environment. 

Why do you volunteer for RISE UP? 

When I first left school and took a glimpse of the corporate world, I was incredibly overwhelmed. So many avenues, possibilities, applications… I did not know where to start! I went to the local college and this wonderful person sat me down and asked what I wanted out of life, they then proceeded to help me with applications, interviews and successfully get the role! 

I want to give back now that I am in a position to help. RISE UP offers just that: Starting point for anyone overwhelmed. 

Having been in the recruitment industry for over 5 years, I have a good idea of what hiring managers/decision makers look for and I want to share the love! Knowing that we genuinely have a positive impact (whether that is a small win like updating their LinkedIn profile or CV, or even working out what industry to target) is the most rewarding feeling! 

There are so many guides online on what to do/not to do, it is difficult to know which is the best way for you. The truth is, there is no right or wrong way to do it, just your way. This is what we are here to do, help you work out who you are and want to be in the professional world. 

This may sound cliche, but volunteering is incredibly rewarding! To know that I have made a genuine difference and helped a young person to better their life, it is difficult to describe. All I can recommend is to get involved and you will understand.


useful info

RISE UP (UK) is the working name of Talent RISE.

Registered Charity Number: 1183457

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One Express, 1 George Leigh St, Ancoats, Manchester M4 5DL

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We are proud to be supported by Swipejobs globally and locally by Talent UK & Germany

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